Thursday, 20 November 2014

Maths exercises for kids - website

This is a really Maths webiste for kids age 7-8!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Maths Relays in Upper Primary

As part of the activities we do in Maths in Upper Primary we have our Maths relays which take place on Week 11 of every Term. Children have the chance to review concepts learnt in class in a fun and different way. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Maths around the school - 1st Caceres

1st Grade Caceres was practicing subtraction using a number grid they designed on the floor with masking tape. They would throw bean bags to two different numbers and come up with a subtraction. A fun and creative way to practice subtractions!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Fun Investigations - 1st and 2nd Grades

Biscuit Decorations

Andrew decorated 20
20 biscuits to take to a party.
He lined them up and put icing on every second biscuit.
Then he put a cherry on every third biscuit.
Then he put a chocolate button on every fourth biscuit.
So there was nothing on the first biscuit.
How many other biscuits had no decoration? Did any biscuits get all three decorations?

Thursday, 2 October 2014

The grid method of multiplication

The grid method is a way of teaching multiplication that is used in primary schools. Pupils move on from an array to the grid method. It is also used for teaching times tables. 

Would you like to read more about it? Check this webiste:

Thursday, 11 September 2014

An excellent website to learn!

Topmarks is a nice website for children to develop their maths skills while having fun. Please take the time to look over the different activities it offers for all ages and Maths topics!

Monday, 1 September 2014

Fun Maths with buttons - Prepa

Here are four ways to turn those old buttons into easy a positive learning experience!
What you need: an assortment of buttons, a bowl, construction paper and glue!
What you do:
·         Sort the buttons. Dump the buttons onto the table or floor. Point out all the pretty colours and different sizes. You can put them into separate piles. You can sort them by colour first, then by shape, and then by size. You can sort them into two: colour and size?

·         Count the buttons. Drop the buttons into a bowl while counting.

·         Button Patterns. Look for patterns, such as red, blue, red, blue… Continue the pattern! Make other challenging patterns such as three-coloured pattern!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Welcome to the Upper Primary Maths Blog!

We have started a new school year and here you will be able to find information about everything related to Maths. Please feel free to comment on it and send us ideas! We encourage you to visit it every week or daily as well! 

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater."
Albert Einstein

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Practising Times Tables during summer!

What You Need:
·         Paper
·         Markers
·         Tape
·         CD or MP3 player

What You Do:
1.       Make a list of math problems that your child is having difficulty with.
2.       Write the answer to each of the math problems on its own piece of paper with a thick marker. Each number should fill up the paper and be dark enough for your child to see easily from several feet away.
3.       Tape the numbers at random on a driveway, bare floor, or patio.
4.       Turn on the music and let your child dance around on top of the numbers. After a few seconds, pause the music and call out a math problem, such as “Three times eight!”
5.       Your child should then jump as quickly as possible onto the number that is the correct answer to the problem you called out.

6.       You can keep on calling out math problems while repeating the previous steps. If your child has a friend over you can change the game into more of a competition, in which children race to see which one can jump on the correct number first.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Maths behind beats!

This week we teachers had so much fun learning about the relationship between Maths and Music. We had a practical lesson related to fractions in Music!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Lemonade Recipe - Reviewing Capacity

A tall glass of lemonade is the perfect summer treat. Make it even better with this creative twist on classic lemonade while you practice capacity.

What You Need:

  • Pitchers
  • Spoons
  • Bowl
  • Measuring cups
  • Lemon squeezer
  • Blender
  • Fine strainer

 Ingredients for Strawberry Watermelon Lemonade:

(Makes about 8 servings)

  • 6 cups cubed seeded watermelon
  • 2 cups fresh strawberries, halved
  • ½ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • Mint leaves (optional)

What You Do:

Strawberry Watermelon Lemonade

  1. Remove seeds from watermelon; then with your mum´s help, cut the melon into cubes. Measure 6 cups of watermelon cubes into a blender.
  2. Cut strawberries in half. Measure 2 cups of strawberries and put them in the blender.
  3. Squeeze lemons to create ½ cup of lemon juice. Add the juice, 1 cup sugar, and 2 cups water into the blender.
  4. With your mum´s help, blend until smooth.
  5. Add mint leaves if desired. Enjoy it!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Maths Day in Primary

Various and creative activities happened during our Maths day in Primary - some of them are shown in these photos! Enjoy them!